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Hoberg & Driesch group
Hoberg & Driesch Röhrenhandel GmbH
Hochleistungssägeanlage hält ein Rohr für einen Sägezuschnitt

Pipe saws

Saw cuts made to measure

We cut in large series on high-performance sawing systems. With repeatable length tolerances of less than 0.3 mm, we produce your tubes to size on our tube saws in single or multiple cuts.

Whether with defined end processing or brush deburring, whether washed or blown out - we will work with you to find the right process design for your products.
The tubes are measured, deburred, washed and packaged inline. Do you need component-related traceability? That's no problem either, we will be happy to define the scope of the marking together with you.

In addition to a chamfer, we can produce contours and transitions with radii on our systems.

How can we support you? We would be happy to provide you with more information about our pipe sawing services. You can contact us here or ask us any questions you may have.

Contact person

Do you have any questions about the product?

Get in touch with us!
